This is what 59 Christmas cards stacked up looks like. Saturday morning (forgot to get a picture) Aunt Sue, Aunt Jen, Aunt Jan, Amy Marie, Amy Jo, Grandma and I addressed, stuffed and stamped Grandma's Christmas cards. After we had a delicious breakfast of eggbake and caramel rolls - YUM!! Grandma called a little while ago and said again what a nice gift that was. She has sent a few more and says she needs a couple more pictures. I had written a letter for her to use, if she wanted, for some of her cards other than the nieces and nephews. It was just a rough draft. Today she tells me that she had it copied at Bethany Meadows and was going to send it out. Sure wish she would have let me know first so I could have redone it for her.

I'm working on some special projects - see what a mess I have - actually it's a "controlled mess" because I know where everything is. Of course since I'm working on this, I'm not getting a lot of anything else finished. I would have taken a picture of my dirty floors but I'm not sure it would have turned out very well. Dad said he would clean them for me, but so far no luck!!

Last year for my birthday Chase and Amy gave me this Christmas cactus - it was blooming at the time and LOOK - it's blooming again. I don't do a very good job with my flowers but this one actually does best if you just do nothing other than water it once a month or so. It's very pretty - Chase says he really likes the "big buds".

Dinner tonight is homemade turkey rice soup - any one want to join us? I tasted it a bit ago and it could use a little more spices but I don't know what to use. Will have to look in some of my cookbooks. Amy cleaned out my cookbook shelf on Saturday when she was here. It looks so nice and organized now. Oh by the way, Amy, I think I'm missing my cranberry salad recipe card.

My decorated living room - the only thing I have is my little sleigh with last year's cards. I'm hoping maybe I can convince dad to bring up my "winter tree" tonight. I see everybody else's trees in their houses and it makes me a little sad that I don't have one. Want to come over and put one up for me? Holly, I need you!!!
Amy booked Holly's plane ticket for Arizona today and I'm excited. It's still a ways off but it will be so fun to have her all to myself for a whole week. Have to start thinking about things to do besides swimming, swimming and more swimming.
Well, that's life at the Haan household today. Just got a call that our new furnace is going to be installed tomorrow - I'll be sure to take a picture of it for all of you. Thursday dad and I will go pick up my new ring - I'm really excited to see how it turned out. You girls will be so jealous of your mom!!
Have a terrific week ahead and love to all of my readers.