Monday, January 23, 2017

Sunday's Rain

Saturday night/Sunday morning we had quite a rain storm - no idea how much we got since we don't have a rain gauge.  This is the parking lot behind our trailer on Sunday morning; we had our very own lakefront property.  When I got up this morning (Monday), it was almost all drained away.

 This was our view from the back fence - pretty ominous.  Sometimes the mountains are the most beautiful pink but sometimes when it storms, the clouds come down and cover the peaks.  Love the mountains here in Tucson.

Have a GREAT week!!!!
Gramma and MOM

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Yesterday we had a Ladies Welcome Back party and did paintings.  I took lots of pictures and this morning when I imported them, I erased them.  Not one of my better moves.  I somehow missed this one.  There were 74 of us doing a painting of Arizona cactus. 

It was a really fun time - everyone brought "finger foods" and the selection was amazing. 

Some of the gals paintings were very nice - that did NOT include mine.  In fact, I offered it to both of my daughters and neither one "jumped" at owning it and displaying it on their walls. 

Soooo I put it on my own wall - it looks like something a kindergarten student would do but I don't care.  It's my FIRST painting and the sky actually looks very nice - too bad my cactus are a bit off.
I will try very hard to start taking more pictures and being a little more faithful in getting posts on my blog.  I am just starting to relax after a very hectic couple of months.

Happy Blessed New Year to each of you!!!!

Love to all,
Gramma and MOM