Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Winter came and went.......

I know this picture isn't very clear, but do you see that bottom number - it reads 5 degrees. That was the temperture on Sunday morning when I woke up!!!!!!!!AND this is what I saw when I looked out on the deck. No, we did not paint the floor of the deck white - it was SNOW!!!! Bad word.
At least it was just a sprinkling - Nancy Wood said they had 4 inches in the Twin Cities. Are we lucky or what??????
Just in case you're wondering, it's all gone!!! In fact, by turkey day, it's supposed to be 56 which is a temperature I can handle very easily.
I think I posted this picture in my last blog - the Christmas cactus that Amy and Chase gave me a couple years ago was full of buds with one blossom.
This is my cactus a few days later - isn't it beautiful? Every time it blooms, I remember how excited Chase would get when he'd see it starting to bud and bloom.
I took this picture when Amy and I went to New Ulm to drop Chase off with Brian for the weekend - thought it turned out nice. They went camping in the back of Brian's van - I was glad it was them and not me. The sun was out but it was still plenty cold for camping without a furnace.
Amy and I had a great time eating and shopping and then eating again. We decided we need to make this an annual event - anyone want to join us?
There's a prize for the first person who can tell me what this is and where it is........................
That's it for today - not much going on here in Brandon. I live a very sheltered life. I am so looking forward to Thansgiving - one of my favorite holidays. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy and stuffing and sweet potatoes and rolls and pumpkin pie and everything that goes with it. We are very fortunate to be able to go to Aunt Sue's house this year so I know the food will be good. Plan to play Farkel and games for the afternoon - all except Uncle Glen, of course. He needs his beauty rest.
This Thanksgiving Day, I plan to reflect and appreciate my wonderful family. God has blessed us with two beautiful daughters and their families. This year we are so thankful for the added blessing of Kurt and the joy he has brought to the Haan family. I am also thankful for my sister, counselor, friend and breakfast companion - Susan - you are the best!!!!
Love to you all
MOM and Gramma

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's Tuesday

It's Tuesday which means it's time to blog, even though I haven't a whole lot to write about. Life is crazy.
This is my Christmas cactus that Amy and Chase gave me a couple of years ago. I pretty much ignore the plant and only water it occasionally. The other day I looked and it is covered with buds. The first bloom came this last weekend and it's so pretty. Can't wait for the rest of them to open.
Wish you were here to enjoy it with me, Chase. Thank you!!!

Now here we have a picture of two people who look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves and they actually were - at least the few times that they were actually winning. The two weeks that DeAnn & Katie were with us were filled with lots of exciting games of Farkel and Aggravation. I am proud to say that, for the most part, I won!!!

Our little Katie was a pirate for Halloween and the cutest little pirate I've ever seen. She thought Grampa should have an eye patch too so he just used the bottle cap from his water bottle and a big rubber band. Aren't they cute?
Katie, I miss you!! I especially miss having someone to sing "Alive, Alive" with. I do miss you too, DeAnn. The games haven't moved from their spot on the island.
Katie, I found the hiding place for your sword and your comb. Today I saw someone peeking out from under the loveseat cushion. Guess what Gramma found? You little stinker.
Have a super week. I'm actually working on my "wonder room" this week - slow but sure!!! I'll have pictures for you soon.
Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM