Good afternoon, dear daughters and granddaughter,
Dad went hiking with the park again yesterday. He said it was a good hike, about 4 miles, 3 hours. He told me he was bringing up the "rear". They have an older lady, Ruby, who likes to go on all the hikes - she's the one above with the gray hair. She usually has a need to use the restroom on the hikes and as you probably know, there aren't restrooms every haf mile or so. It's my understanding that you just go off a ways in the desert and go. Last hike Peggy (above) was the "rear" so she helped Ruby out. Since dad was the rear yesterday, he had to wait while Ruby did "her business". He said it took her so long, that he was beginning to be a bit worried but what was he to do? The other hikers kept going while he waited and waited. In fact, another male hiker, Ralph, came back to see what the problem was. Eventually Ruby came out of the desert. By this time, the majority of the hikers were so far ahead that the 3 tail-enders couldn't see them, soooo Ralph calls ahead and asks them to "wait up" - we're coming!!!
Here are some of the beautiful, unusual cacti that dad saw along the hike.

These are our neighbors across the street, Gene and Gayl who hail from southern Wisconsin. They're a really neat couple - they're expecting a visit from us this summer.

Found out today that the front-line hikers yesterday saw two cougars pass in front of them on the trail - all dad saw was a jackrabbit, but these too are quite rare, especially in the midwest. When dad was growing up, they were quite common but no onger. We've seen them several times here in Arizona - note the long ears - that's why they're called "jack rabbits".
Found out today that the front-line hikers yesterday saw two cougars pass in front of them on the trail - all dad saw was a jackrabbit, but these too are quite rare, especially in the midwest. When dad was growing up, they were quite common but no onger. We've seen them several times here in Arizona - note the long ears - that's why they're called "jack rabbits".