These pictures are going to be going a bit out of order but that's the way I downloaded them and I don't feel like redoing all of them. Hope that's OK with everyone; if not, too bad.
This is Aunt Jen this morning (Thursday) - she actually has her eyes open and I told her to smile for you. She's been dozing off a lot since surgery; in fact it's very difficult to carry on a conversation with her. Usually I end up talking to myself.

This is a picture of her knee all wrapped up. Evelyn is holding a Coke can next to her knee so you can see how wrapped up it is. This was taken the day of surgery - Tuesday. They unwrapped the leg this morning so now there's just a little piece of gauze covering the incision.

Aunt Jen's leg is in a machine that slowly bends it and then brings it completely flat again. She started out at a 40% bend and was doing 65% when I left today. It goes very slowly but she says after a while, it starts to hurt and then they turn it down a bit.
She started her Physical Therapy yesterday (Wednesday) and did very well.

This little contraption is used to see "how windy" she is. She does a pretty good job at blowing the little white thing up.

Dr. Rodman signed her knee before surgery to make sure he did the correct one. We wanted to write him a little note but the nurse said they frowned upon that. I don't know why - a little humour never hurt anyone.

This is Jen pre-op -- doesn't she look happy? Actually she was.

The surgical knee.
This is the scene I saw when I pulled up in the driveway on Tuesday night. Two young men tusseling out on the lawn. Each one said they were the victor - looks to me like Grampa was probably the one on top.

but then again............................

That's it from Nurse Gramma. Tomorrow (Friday) Aunt Jen goes home. I'll let you know how well she behaves herself.
Love and have a great weekend!!!!
MOM and Gramma