Our shopping trip to the Mall of America and the Albertville Outlet Shoppes
Last weekend, this special lady invited me to go with her daughter and friend to the cities shopping. Now, we all know that shopping is not my thing but when I'm with your Aunt Susan, I seem to find all kinds of things that I really need. I ended up purchasing much more than she did!!! Doesn't seem quite fair because she's the shopper - not me.
I purchased several tops - most of them to wear in Arizona where the ladies dress up much more than I normally do. I am basically a t-shirt and shorts/jeans sort of person. I really like the items I purchased.
Camp Snoopy. Sue and I spent some time in this patio watching people and having some cool and refreshing (water and Diet Pepsi) drinks. It is so interesting to see what some people wear and I love to see the shoes people wear - everything from flip flops of all kinds to some very high, spikey heels.

Rainforest Cafe was our choice for lunch. The lunches were HUGE - we could very easily have shared a sandwich and been full. They seated us behind a big tree so we didn't get to see the gorillas "do their thing". I still think it's a neat restaurant and remember when you girls took me there shortly after the Mall opened. Remember also that Holly wasn't so sure about the gorillas and the thunder and lightening.

We (Susan and I) spent over an hour in the aquarium. It was very interesting and we learned lots of things about jellyfish and other creatures of the sea. Did you know that jellyfish do not have brains, hearts, or blood? You could walk through a tunnel and the sharks and stingrays were swimming all around you. It was really neat. I don't think the young ladies enjoyed it as much as we did.

These lovely ladies wanted me to take their pictures with placemats of some of their favorite characters. Ashlyn and Maggie also have their new school backpacks on. I don't think there's a pocket for the cell phones though - what will you girls do if you can't text?

It was a fun several days and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Maybe next year we could go to a destination, other than shopping. It's just that if I go shopping, I usually find something I'd like and I really do NOT need anything.
I'll try to lay out my purchases and take some pictures for you. They're still in bags on the couch - don't want to rush the unpacking. Besides I need to show dad.
Have a super week - Chase counted and there's only 10 days til we leave for Washington. YEAH!!!!
Love to you all
MOM and Gramma