We left these three wonderful young people yesterday (Sunday) morning. I miss them already - if Chase had been there, it would have been absolutely perfect!!! How I love these kids.
There was fog on the hillside as we left Washington. I ended up falling asleep as we were leaving Bellingham which is only 20 minutes from DeAnn's. I had a headcold and just felt a bit lousey. Stayed in Sutherlin, Oregon last night after a very good day of traveling. There is always a concern about the Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia traffic but we sailed right through.
On to Oregon wtih the clouds just sitting on the mountains. Beautiful - a little sun off and on and temps in the 40's.
Today we went from Oregon to California. About noon we ran into temps in the 60's - no coat, no heater on. (Sorry for those of you in the Midwest. I'm not gloating, just stating a fact?!)
These pictures are for Jan. We went through Ripon, CA which is where her uncle has a very large almond farm.
This is the Ripon Christian School,
and a grove of pecan trees. Wish you were with us today, Jan. We would have dropped you off at the farm for the evening.
Tonight we are in Modesto, CA. We stopped early because we decided that we will not make it all the way to Tucson tomorrow night. Had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant and are now watching "The Lone Ranger" - isn't that exciting?
Goodnight to all
Gramma and MOM