Just got the pictures from Maggie from Grandma's Birthday so thought I'd put them on right away. Enjoy!!! We missed you both!!
The kids and Grandma - had to pick this one because Uncle Glen is "almost" smiling.
Kids and Outlaws with Grandma
Grandkids that were there with Grandma
Grandma and the newest great-grand, Weston Garry Kramer
Off to Sioux Falls and dinner out with one of our favorite ladies, Wilma.
Love to all
Gramma and MOM
Friday, December 19, 2014
Christmas is Here
Christmas have arrived at the Haan Household. This little tree is MUCH cuter at night with the lights twinkling. All done shopping and wrapping. Just have my Christmas cards to do but they may end up being New Year's cards because I need a couple of pictures yet and you know how your father feels about having his picture taken.
Sam has just begun playing the cello so every night while we were there, he'd practice his two songs for his concert. He willingly practiced them and I could tell, he got much better as the two weeks went on. His concert was the last evening we were there so we got to see him play his cello (well, actually we didn't get to see all of him - just his head and hands.) and play the bells and sing. Way to go, SAM!!!
Sam loves to sing - NOT!!
We also were able to be at Chase's Veteran's Day Program (missed his Christmas concert because of Grandma's birthday party). They had a big screen on the stage and Chase ws right underneath it. Luckily they put it up when the kids started playing.
Did you know that there are four verses to the Star Spangled Banner and we sang all four of them - that was a tidbit we learned from Chase. Their band did very well - I'm impressed with how well they sounded. It was a very nice program. Keep it up, Chase - maybe you'll be another Lawrence Welk.
I know I have not been very faithful in doing my blog - sorry!!! I will try to do better but then I always say that.
Have a great weekend!!!
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM
Friday, November 28, 2014
Happy Day After Thanksgiving
Cutest little Thanksgiving maiden around!!!!
Spent the day yesterday at our son-in-law's brothers' home and had a GREAT time. Wonderful food and conversation. Thank you so much, Gary and Sally for inviting us into your home.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
Peter took the kids and I out to dinner this evening for my birthday to the local Chinese restaurant - one of my favorites. Then we went to church for their Thanksgiving service. When we walked into church, they had pictures of the kids and what they were thankful for. The pictures included these two terrific kids. What fun it was to see their pictures.
Katie is thankfor for love, me, God, Mom, dad
Holly played "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" on her violin and we were asked to just sit back and remember and think on all the things we have to be thankful for. It was very nice.
We wish for each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving - stop and thank God for EVERYTHING He has brought into our lives; even the warts. We had a very nice service tonight where Pastor Koenen told us to remember to thank God even for the cancers, worries and problems in our lives and allow Him to work through them. It's much easier to be thankful for all the good things and whine about the lousy things.
Enjoy your turkey - I know I will.
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM
Monday, October 27, 2014
Memorial for Uncle Garry
Looked out the window this evening while I was preparing our grilled cheese sandwiches and saw this beautiful sunset. Had to take the screen off and open the window to take the picture.
There is a cannon on the walkway to the courthouse. It's always been there since I was a little girl - it's a Civil War cannon and was cemeted onto a concrete pad - the only reason it was not melted down during World War II was because it was cemeted in the ground. Several years ago a family in Luverne decided to finance this memorial and researched the wagon that would have been used to carry this type of cannon. They had a replica made somewhere on the east coast, mounted the cannon and is now part of this memorial. Should have taken a picture of the cannon - it's just to the right.
The small pavers around the cannon and up the walkway all have names on them of service people who live or have lived in Rock Count, along with their branch of service and dates. When dad and I first visited the memorial this past Memorial Day, we found that Uncle Garry did not have a paver so I asked Aunt Bonnie if it was OK if I had one engraved. Uncle Garry's is beside the first wheel of the cason.
I think it's a beautiful memorial.
That's it from Brandon - have a wonderful week.
Love to all, Gramma and MOM
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sunday Afternoon Ride
Yesterday afternoon Dad and I went on a ride after our Sunday afternoon nap. We didn't go more than three miles from Brandon and found lots of beautiful scenery - ended up taking over 60 pictures. Would have been a perfect day for family pictures.
We had such a nice time - ended up at Pizza Ranch for dinner. That is not one of dad's favorite places to go but I was so hungry for good chicken.
Have a good week and I'll try to start up again in July and show you some of the fun things we've been doing this summer.
Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I'm back - FINALLY!!
Happy Fall and Welcome to the Haan Home......
Chase is in 8th grade football this fall and we've been able to go to several of his games. His last game of the season, which they won, was this last Monday evening and it was COLD and windy.
As you can see by the faces on our two boys, Gramma's picture taking is not one of their favorite things to have done.
Sam is our soccer player - he had a game today and made a goal. We were able to go to one of his games when we were in Washington in September.
This is our little sweetie pie's first grade picture. Yes, she is a princess but a very cuddly, sweet one. Love you, Katie Girl
Sam's 5th grade picture - one handsome dude
Sorry I haven't been around for so long. Right after the kids left in July, we went to Wisconsin and Illinois and then had to get ready for our big trip to Alaska. I will try very hard in the next couple of weeks to fill you in.
Thanks for hanging in there with me. Blessed Sabbath to all
Love, Gramma and MOM
Monday, August 4, 2014
Tuesday with the Hiemstras
Tuesday was another full day. John went golfing with Uncle Glen and was gone all day. Aunt Sue, Maggie, DeAnn, Holly and I went to Paneras for bagels and coffee while Grampa stayed home with the rest of the family and had cereal and Pop-Tarts. Nutritional cereal and Pop-Tarts with no sugar.

Now back to Tuesday. We went to Chuck-e-Cheese in the late afternoon for an early dinner and some fun playtime. The kids all had a GREAT time with Aunt Jen and Aunt Jan, Auntie Dee and Gramma. Unfortunately Aunt Amy had to work so she couldn't go with us.
When playing the games, if you get a high enough score, you even get tickets to "buy" something wonderful later.
Auntie Jen and Auntie Dee made a "killing" on the Deal or No Deal Game.
Hang on, Auntie Dee. Don't let that horse buck you off!!!
Look at the prizes we bought:
Holly and Gramma on the teacup ride. It was quite thrilling!!
The whole gang - almost.
Forgot a few things about Monday - after we went to the National Monument, Uncle Kurt and Aunt Amy treated us all to ice cream cones and then we went to their home for brats, hotdogs and all the fixins. John & DeAnn, Holly & Sam and Kurt & Amy & Chase then went on a "haunted walk" in Pipestone. It was very warm and the tour guides were in period costumes which were wool. They all said it was a fun thing to do. I think both Amy and DeAnn were a bit frightened so it was good that Chase and Sam were there to keep things under control.
Now back to Tuesday. We went to Chuck-e-Cheese in the late afternoon for an early dinner and some fun playtime. The kids all had a GREAT time with Aunt Jen and Aunt Jan, Auntie Dee and Gramma. Unfortunately Aunt Amy had to work so she couldn't go with us.
When playing the games, if you get a high enough score, you even get tickets to "buy" something wonderful later.
Auntie Jen and Auntie Dee made a "killing" on the Deal or No Deal Game.
Hang on, Auntie Dee. Don't let that horse buck you off!!!
Look at the prizes we bought:
Holly and Gramma on the teacup ride. It was quite thrilling!!
The whole gang - almost.
We finished the day with ice cream at Culver's - what a special time and lots of good memories.
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM
Friday, August 1, 2014
The Hiemstras are in South Dakota
I have been reminded that there have been several Tuesdays that have gone by with no posting from this Gramma. So, better get with it. The Hiemstras arrived in Brandon on the evening of July 4th. Grampa, John, Holly and Sam left at dusk to go to Garretson to watch fireworks. Gramma stayed home with DeAnn and Katie and just relaxed.
We had a great fun day in Pipestone which was planned by Amy. It started with a picnic in a park near the National Monument - great sandwiches and good conversation. Sam, however didn't realize his strength and sent his miniature football on the roof of the picnic pavillion. Sorry, Sam!! Then we were off for a walk and afternoon at the Pipestone National Monument - can you believe that John and DeAnn had never been there. It was a warm afternoon but most of the walk was in the shade and when we were in the prairie area, there was a very nice breeze.
Katie and her Grampa
The "newlyweds" or so it would seem at times. They did have their 3rd anniversary just a few days before.
So nice to see these cousins all enjoying themselves. Holly, Chase has "almost" caught up with you in height.
Hang on, Sam, I'll rescue you as soon as I take your picture.
Guess who thinks she's the toughest of them all? What a jewel!!!
Jan, this picture is for you. You probably can't see all the apples on the tree but they're there and they will be much easier for Peter to reach this fall.
Well, that's it for today. I have LOTS to catch up on so maybe I won't wait a whole week til I repost. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!!
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM
We had a great fun day in Pipestone which was planned by Amy. It started with a picnic in a park near the National Monument - great sandwiches and good conversation. Sam, however didn't realize his strength and sent his miniature football on the roof of the picnic pavillion. Sorry, Sam!! Then we were off for a walk and afternoon at the Pipestone National Monument - can you believe that John and DeAnn had never been there. It was a warm afternoon but most of the walk was in the shade and when we were in the prairie area, there was a very nice breeze.
This waterfall is on the monument trail. Because of all the rain this spring, it was really flowing.
Katie and her Grampa
The "newlyweds" or so it would seem at times. They did have their 3rd anniversary just a few days before.
So nice to see these cousins all enjoying themselves. Holly, Chase has "almost" caught up with you in height.
Hang on, Sam, I'll rescue you as soon as I take your picture.
Guess who thinks she's the toughest of them all? What a jewel!!!
Jan, this picture is for you. You probably can't see all the apples on the tree but they're there and they will be much easier for Peter to reach this fall.
Well, that's it for today. I have LOTS to catch up on so maybe I won't wait a whole week til I repost. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!!
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM
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