Before Amy and Chase came to visit, I asked Chase to look up on the internet things he would like to visit in Tucson. He chose the Wildlife Museum and the Bisbee Mine. So after church on Sunday, we headed to the Wildlife museum which starts with mounted bugs, butterflies and birds and then goes on to all kinds of stuffed animals. We had taken him there when he was three and first came to visit; he loved it then and he loved it again now. It's a fun place for children because there are things for them to touch as well as look at.
Chase had read that there were turtles in a little creek that ran under this bridge so he was trying to find them. We never did see any.
These beautiful brass doors were the entrance.
There are several dioramas of animals. This was one that Chase liked. The one below is in honor of the bison of South Dakota.
Oh no, Chase, don't put your head in that alligator's mouth. Don't worry - Chase's Gramma wrestled him free. Didn't know I was an alligator wrestler, did you?
See Chase between the legs of the giraffe. I have pictures of him when he was three in the same position at home. Can't wait to pull them out when we get back home.
When we were there before with Chase, he loved this bear and would snuggle up to it. I remember when other kids would come up to it, Chase would just glare at them as if to say, "Get away - this is my bear." Luckily he was much more willing to share this time.
This is one massive "deer", right Chase?

We had a fun, fun afternoon!!! and the good times weren't over because from the museum we went to Will and Linda DeBoer's for a wonderful dinner. Chase was so impressed with the purple cactus in front of Linda's house. What a fun, fun evening with some of the nicest people anywhere!!!!
When I was looking at my pictures of Chase and Amy's visit, I found a video of the sky diving so will insert it here.
Have a wonderful week.
Love to all of you,
Gramma and MOM