Friday, July 1, 2016

A Wee Bit Crabby

I just realized that I have not posted on my blog for a little over a month BUT  there has been a good reason.  When we came home from Arizona, the knee that I had surgery on in February started acting up.  One morning I woke up and could put no weight on that leg - as the day went on it got somewhat better.  May 16th I went to the Orthopedic Walk-In Clinic and got a cortisone shot which lasted all of two days.  Had to wait another two weeks to get an appointment with my Orthopedic Surgeon.  They did an MRI that afternoon and another week to get the results.  They said two big spots of arthritus - put your leg in a brace and use walker for three weeks.  (Three weeks will be up on July6).  Two weeks into the brace-thing, someone suggested trying acupunture so I am.  Have had two sessions and two more to go.  It has helped a great deal with my thigh muscle which was very hard and I think even my knee is starting to feel better.  What a lousey way to start summer - I will say, however, that Peter has been an excellent nurse.  And I am trying to look on the bright side of things??!!

Last week we picked up Sam at Dordt Discovery Days -one of the classess he took was Junk Jam which was a bunch of kids playing "junk drums" - he got the garbage can and did an awesome job.  It was so fun to watch him.

The next morning we headed to Pipestone to watch Chase march with his high school band and afterwards Sam was going on vacation with Aunt Amy & Uncle Kurt.  At least we had him for a few hours after his Dordt concert.

 It's easy to spot Chase when he marchs by - he is the tallest trombone player in the band!!!  It was a bit warm so they were allowed to wear their summer marching outfits.  Amy had put out chairs in the shade so we were very comfortable.

Sam forgot to bring a bag for candy but Aunt Amy came to the rescue.  He said he really didn't want any but since there were no other children directly in front of us, he still ended up with quite a stash.

All I wanted were a few small Tootsie Rolls - my favorite.  It was a nice parade.

Well, that's my life the past month in a nutshell.  I do have some other pictures I wish to share with you and will try to do so in a more timely manner.

Have a great weekend and a fun 4th of July!!!!

Love to all,
Gramma and MOM