Happy Holidays from two of my favorite Wagons West neighbors - Mrs. Claus is from Spokane, WA and lives across the street from us during the winter season - she turned 90 in September. Her elf, Verna lives near Clear Lake, IA and is 3 doors down from us during the winter season - she turned 95 on November 22. Don't they look great??!!!

This is another of my favorite people - she, however, is not quite as old as the two lovely ladies above. This one just finished a 5K and was extremely happy. Her younger sister did a 5K in September and inspired her older sister to do the same. Unfortunately we were not home for the first 5K, but next year we plan to join that younger sister when she does hers.

I miss this Little Princess. She joined us many mornings for breakfast and now the only face I see at breakfast is Grampa's. Love you, Sweet Katie. I do have a rather "????" picture of her but forgot to load it on my computer.

Our first snow after leaving Lynden - it was in either LookOut or 4th of July pass between Idaho and Montana. It was beautiful but I'm glad it was on the mountains and not the middle of the road. God was so gracious to us in that we had wonderful roads both going and coming back from Washington.

Fast forward to Nov. 23rd - my 62nd (Social Security) birthday. These beautiful fall flowers were on the counter when I got up and they are from my favorite fella in all the world. He is truly an amazing man to have put up with me all these years. I also got a card that said in the inside that I am "one in a million". Chase was reading it and said, "Gramma, is it good or bad to be one in a million?"

I had to get up at this obscene hour to get the turkey into the oven so Aunt Jen could come at 1:00 and carve it for us.

Mr. Tom waiting for me.

Mr. Tom in the oven. He was very good. Finished up the leftovers last night with Amy's favorite - creamed turkey w/peas over toast. I thought for sure Chase would not like it because he kept asking what it was we were having for dinner and because it can look a bit unappetizing. However, he took one bite and said, this is good and asked for seconds. I do have the broth and turkey meat left to make soup yet but that may need to wait til next week.

Miss UltraSound/Electrical Stim - this little contraption is what has been goading my knee into releasing the fluid and inflammation that gathered in it. Other than being a bit stiff occasionally, I think my knee is finally starting to show improvement. Now I just need to get back on an exercise program so I'll be able to leave for Tucson on time. Oh, by the way Miss Ultra Sound is not cheap!!

Last Friday there was a voice mail from Susie Bilotta asking - do you check your e-mails and normally I check several times a day. She had e-mailed that she and my friend, Lynn wanted to meet me in Fairmont for the weekend. Dad said he wouldn't let me drive that far by myself. After several phone conversations and Dad volunteering to drive me, we agreed to meet at the Holiday Inn in Fairmont at 1:00 on Saturday. We had a grand weekend. After we all arrived, the 3 of us went to the Green Mill Restaurant (attached to the motel) and had soup and 3 hours of conversation. Then we went down to our room and laid around and visited with dad for a while. Back to the Green Mill at 7:30 for a very nice dinner. They had a great menu and we all had a hard time deciding what to order. I had coconut chicken salad and it was indeed very good - I had thought about crab-stuffed chicken breast which Susie ordered. It was good too. We left the restaurant about 9:30 and went to our rooms. I went to bed immediately, but watched tv from there.
We were back in the restaurant for a brunch at 10:30 and left the restaurant again at 12:00 - LOTS of good time sharing and having a good time. Already plan to go again next year.
Both Sue and Lynn are on diets, under medical supervision. Lynn has lost 97 pounds since February and Lynn has lost 20 since August. They were both an encouragement for dad and I.
Forgot to mention that on the way to Fairmont, we had breakfast at Hardees in Worthington with Rich & Henrietta. I sure enjoy having them close by - just not too close.
It is a cold, very windy, sunshiney beautiful day here in South Dakota, as long as I can stay inside my nice warm house. I'm working on the December newsletter for Wagons West and hope to get it to my proofreader this afternoon and then down for copying and distribution.
I am still hacking/coughing - I did put a pot of water on the stove this morning hoping that maybe some humidity in the house would be good.
DeAnn, I LOVE your new fireplace. We are getting a new furnace/AC the middle of December. It will keep me as toasty warm as your fireplace; however, it won't look nearly as nice. Wish I could just snuggle up under the throw on your couch and watch the flickering fire and admire your lovely tree.
Amy, would you like to come over and put up a tree for me?
Dad and I are off this evening to have our picture taken for the church directory - yipee!! I think I like the ones that Julie did better than any formal thing we'll get this evening but I can't help it if others in my church want my picture.
Back to my newsletter. Have a super wonderful week!!!!
Okay...so you mentioned Katie, my mother, Aunt Amy, Chase, and Grampa. How's missing? ME!!!!! Aren't I a little princess too?
ReplyDeleteUm...sorry. I meant, "Who's missing?" :P
ReplyDeleteHey mom, it's really your daughter here...I LOVE your post. Cool assortment of pictures. I love that you blog about just the ordinary stuff that's going on...it makes me feel a little less far away because to be honest...I kinda miss you guys around this time of year. Love you.