Yesterday we looked at new front doors but not sure if we can get a return on the purchase - they are NOT inexpensive.
My entry looks so big now since I got rid of the rug with all the shoes - actually, Amy, since you and Chase moved I don't have nearly as many shoes by the front door. Wonder why?
This is my "special" cocktail for the day. I have two glasses down and am due for another one in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. I can't say it's as bad as everyone says it is - just make sure it's cold and drink the whole thing without breathing or stopping.
My appointment is for 8:15 so say a prayer for me around then - oh, that's right, DeAnn, you won't be up yet. Oh well, say one for me tonight.
I have spent almost the entire day (after going to the gym) on paperwork and cleaning out files. I shredded a huge amount of paperwork and have another stack sitting here for the burning pile. It is such a good feeling to get that out of the way. Have to finish my tax paperwork and then hopefully, I can get my front door painted. Next week I'll have pictures of our newly-painted home complete with the new lights, etc.
Have a super week!! Love to you all,
MOM and Gramma
Love the rug. Not so crazy about the doily but you know how I am. How did your septic pump go?