Yesterday (Saturday) Dad put a door in Amy's upstairs bathroom and I had planned to paint the upstairs closet doors. Well, I had told Chase I thought we should clean out his game room instead. He "kinda" agreed; however as we were working, he says, "You really think I need to go through every shelf and tub, don't ya?" I said YUP - keep working. This is the end result - we even vaccumed the floor because we could see it. Good job, Chase!!!!! He did make the comment that he'd rather be doing this with Auntie Dee cause she's nicer. (I was nice too - I didn't make him throw out hardly anything!!)

Dad and I had an awesome day today - totally unplanned!! We got up late because we didn't get home until 10:00 last night so we didn't have breakfast with Aunt Jen and Aunt Jan. Dad got up first and said, Let's go to Hardees for breakfast so we did. He was asking why the aunts were going to breakfast so early and I told him that a friend of theirs was pitching horseshoes in a tournament at McKennan Park. He said he'd never seen them pitch horseshoes before and thought that might be a fun thing to do, so off we went to the park. Aunt Jan's friend, Will, is in his late 70's and won one game and tied one game while we were watching. It was very interesting - dad really enjoyed it and asked Will's wife lots of questions.
My pictures somehow got all mixed up when I downloaded them so you'll just have to read about my day and then put together the pictures.
Jen and Jan said they thought they might go to the threshing bee at Humboldt after horseshoes because Uncle Glen was using his new (old) corn sheller and I hadn't seen it yet so off to Humboldt we went. Maggie was helping her father with the shelling - she said she was there in the morning while they were threshing but nobody would let her help. When I asked why not, she said just because she was a girl.
We took a little ride around the grounds on a "people mover" - I wanted to go on the one being drawn by the horses but they didn't stop where we were waiting. We watched a team of horses cut wheat and tie the wheat in shucks - I had never seen that before. When the tractor parade started, so did the rain. We sat in the van for a while but they ended up canceling the parade because of the rain. Then we decided to go visit my cousin who lives by Humboldt - found his place very easily and had a lovely visit with him - Kathy was gone for the afternoon. Ended up at westside Dennys for dinner and then home to pack the motorhome so we can leave right after church tomorrow. This was what we had planned to do today along with some housework - oh well, the packing still got done and the cleaning will wait. It was a VERY GOOD day with my favorite fella.
Two of my favorite farmer wanna-bees:
couple of ringers - they say that at the national tournament, the throws average 95% ringers
Will is the fella in the blue shirt - he has been the state horseshoe champ several years.
Can you believe it - actual physical labor
That was our weekend - hope yours was as great as mine. Amy, you did an awesome job of putting together your cupboard - proud of you!!!! Hope you had a lovely dinner today with your #1man. (Chase is still a young man, right?)
It's thundering out - hope it rains all night!!!!
Love you all,
Gramma and MOM
PS: Thanks for the new background, Miss Holly - you are the very best!!!