I know this picture has nothing to do with the birthday boy but I spent some time visiting with this young lady on Saturday at her Grandmother's 90th birthday party. It was so fun connecting with her and Doug again.
One of my favorite people had his 50th birthday on Sunday. This was what he found when he got to work on Monday morning. His counterpart in Canton came up over the weekend and decorated for him. Can you believe that thing on his face - I think some people would even dare to call it a smile???!!!!!

No, it can't be - two pictures with a smile.

They also wrapped almost everything in his office with tin foil. He said it took him a couple hours to take everything down. Poor baby!! Notice however that they did not wrap Maggie & Ben's picture.
I took this picture at lunch on Sunday - we celebrated at the Brandon Steak House.

Sure wish he'd smile more often on pictures - he actually looks pretty handsome.
Have lots more pictures to share but that's it for tonight. Have a great week. We head out early tomorrow morning for Branson.
Love y'all bunches and bunches!!
MOM & Gramma