Wednesday, October 24, 2018

My Fair Lady, Granddaughter Holly

Hello out there in "Blog Land".  I've been getting a few comments about the fact that I haven't posted in a bit of time.  Well...….  I've been busy. 
Now, if you don't want to hear or read about a Gramma bragging about her granddaughter, it would be best if you just clicked out of this video now...

 I tried to download a video for you all to enjoy of Holly's September POPS Concert but for some reason, it wouldn't work.  This was Holly's last POPS concert and it was the best of her 4 years.  At the Concert, the band and orchestra dress up to compliment the music they play.  This year it was Broadway shows and movies such as Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, LesMeserabe, Beauty & the Beast, and several others.  The music was fun and they did just a very good job.  Here's our Holly with Grampa - Holly is a character from Fiddler on the Roof.  Love her hat!!

 Before Holly left school in May, she auditioned for Dordt's Fall Musical which this year was My Fair Lady.  We were all excited when she landed the role of Eliza Doolittle.  She had 5 solos which she aced even though I had not heard her sing in many years.

This is the "street girl" Eliza (cockney accent and all)  ready to go on stage.  We asked why her face was so clean if she was portraying a street urchin - she said they didn't have time to get her cleaned up before she had to be back on stage.
 We were not allowed to take any pictures during the performance but I did get one during curtain call.  They got a standing ovation both times we attended and the entire cast certainly deserved it.  It was a long play, about 3 1/2 hours but so fun.

Below are some of the guests who came just to see our Miss Holly.
Her Great Uncle Glen and Aunt Sue
 Grampa and Gramma
Great Aunt Bonnie
 Holly and her co-star, Zach who played Henry Higgins and did a fine job.  His comment after this picture was:  "now I can shave off this mustache."
 Her dad who came the second weekend.  Never did get a picture of mom
 Friends from Gramma's church - John and Deb
 A special friend, Sam from Michigan
Her favorite Haan cousin, Chase

Holly had special friends and family that drove many miles to see her from Wisconsin, Michigan, Washington, Ohio as well as Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota.  Some of them drove all day to get to Sioux Center in time for her evening performance and had to leave again the next morning.  It was worth it is what I heard people say.  I only got pictures of those who were at the same shows we attended.

Well, I did it.  Next blog I'll tell you about Chase or maybe I'll flip back to our summer.  Have a great week!!!

Love,   Gramma and MOM

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom! Great pictures...I even had to steal some of them! Thanks for being an awesome gramma to my kids! We all love you much.
