Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Birthday and the Tulip Fields

Yesterday was Peter's birthday and according to him, it was a good day.  We began with breakfast at Three Flavors.  DeAnn and I split a 6-egg omelet while Peter had 3 eggs, hashbrowns, lots of bacon and toast.  He spent the morning reading his book in his favorite recliner in his favorite cottage.  The afternoon was spent at Grandparent's day with our very favorite 4th grader, Miss Katie.  In the evening Grampa took all of us out to Jake's Barbecue and then came home, had a little wine and played our "Tucson" game.  We were all too full to even eat our birthday pie.

 As long as I have a picture of Grampa at the Tulip Fields, I'll include a few more pictures.  We spent our last day "on the road" in Mount Vernon at the tulip fields.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and we enjoyed it very much.
 Upside down hanging tulips
 A purple gem among the white flowers

 They had a small pasture with several alpacas - we're trying to convince John to get a few for their pasture - cutest things.

 The mountains with snow on the top in the background

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!!!

Have a great week!

Gramma and MOM

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could see the tulip fields again! Saw them several years ago in bloom and remember being enchanted!
