Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Productive Week

Some people might look at this picture and see the garage next door through my kitchen window.  When I look at this picture, I see a beautiful, spotlessly clean window - so clean you can't even see the window.  Friday morning dad and I washed all of the upstairs windows, except the computer room.  I did the windows in and out (those I could reach) and dad scrubbed all the screens for me.  What a huge difference - too bad they don't get done more than once and maybe twice a year.
 When I washed my kitchen window, I took down this beautiful lace hanging.  (I put it right back up aafter the window was washed.)    My dear, dear friend Linda made it for me when we lived in North St. Paul which makes it at least 36 years old.  I have to be careful when I touch it because the lace is starting to disintegrate but I LOVE it as much now as when I received it for my birthday.  Thank you, Linda!!  I think of you often when I look through my window.
 This was my big project for the week and I have just a wee bit of stitching to do and it's finished.  I would like to get a few more patches from Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota for Miss Katie but if I don't, then her mother will have to get them next summer.  It was a fun project to do.  One Christmas project finished but a few more swimming around in my head.
 This is my this week big project - to "fill in" my gallery wall and replace the newspaper pictures with actual pictures.  I need to paint some picture frames and even get a few more pictures enlarged.  Can't wait til it's finished.
This week is going to be a bit busy - something almost every day but all fun things or things I enjoy doing.  Monday is work at the hospital; Tuesday is spend time with Jan (even if it is a doctor appointment); Wednesday is lunch with my dear friend, Denise and then Thursday and Friday are reserved for my favorite #2 daughter and Saturday night is a birthday party.  Awesome week.  But then it's special too because it's someone's birthday on Tuesday - hopefully I can get a blog in about this special person.

Have a good, productive week!!!  Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM

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