Thursday, October 4, 2012

Back Home

We were home just two weeks and this lovely young lady and her mom came for two weeks.  How blessed we were that they were able to stay so long.    Miss Katie is no longer a princess, but a cowgirl.  She is such a special blessing to this Grampa and Gramma.  She said she didn't like Grampa all the much and kept saying, "Grampa's a girl,",  I don't know where she got that or exactly what it meant, but she sure liked teasing him.
 This is Katie and Kitty - Kitty is Uncle Kurt's baby.  Katie loved Kitty and hauled her all over.  One day we peeked in the tv room and there she is watching a movie with the kitty beside her.  However, I'm not sure if Kitty really wanted to be there but Katie's little hands were around holding her tightly.  Poor Kitty couldn't have moved if she'd wanted to.

Anyone that knows my daughters and myself know that DeAnn is the organizer of the group; Amy and I are both a bit more lax about things.  We are also savers while DeAnn is not as much.  She always says if you LOVE it, keep it.  Otherwise think about donating it to someone else.

Here DeAnn and Amy are "going through" boxes that Amy had not opened since she moved to the farm.  We all spent a couple of days up at the farm working.  Amy did an awesome job of going through and purging.
 One of my two favorite sons-in-law is showing us how to dry dishes.  There was a big discussion going on between DeAnn who was washing and Kurt as to whether you use cold or hot water to rinse dishes and why?  Any comments?

 On Saturday morning, we had to stop working for a bit to go watch #64.  I still don't understand anything about football but it's fun to see Chase "do his thing".  I do not like it, however, when he's opposite some big kid and that kid is running into him.  He says, it's OK, Gramma, they're supposed to do that.  It doesn't hurt.  Yeah, right!!

 These two stopped on their way home from their first "retired" vacation out west to stay the night with us.  It's amazing how with good friends, you can always pick up right where you've left off visiting and talking.  Gary & Nancy, we loved having you visit - come back again soon!!
 Couldn't resist putting in a picture of dad's flowers by the deck.  They are drop-dead beautiful.  He put these mums in this spring and they are one mass of color.  I'm afraid with the temperatures we're supposed to have this weekend that most of his flowers will not survive - good thing that mums are so hardy.

That's all for today.  My 16x20 picture of our family by the barn arrived yesterday and it is nice!!!!
Thank you, DeAnn, for arranging to have them taken.  Now, I just need to get it hung up on my newspaper gallery wall.

Have a good weekend.  Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM

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