Saturday, October 20, 2012

Time with Kurt & Amy

Dad and I spent Thursday and Friday at the farm with Kurt and Amy.  Amy had a couple of days off so we did some painting, some curtain hanging, some cleaning and a little of this and that.  It was a very productive two days and fun because we got to spend it with two of our favorite people.
Here's Kurt with his Kitty - he says she's going back outdoors as soon as she gets a little older - actually I have to see it to believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Kitty's got you hooked, Kurt.
 Amy and I came up with the brilliant idea of putting up a bunch of hooks in their entry way for them to hang their coats.  It looks great.
 Amy cooking - she's an excellent cook - much better than her mother - she wouldn't turn around for me to take her picture.
 A long time ago, my friend, Linda (same one that made me the Dutch windmill hanging) gave me a hunk of Dutch lace that she had left over from something she did.  I used it for a while in my kitchen in Maplewood; then Amy used it in her townhouse in Maplewood and now we've put it up in her kitchen.  Looks very nice.  Thank you, Linda!!!
 This is the "Elite Escort Group" that works Monday afternoons at Avera Hospital.  They are some of the nicest people you would want to work with and three of them are related to me.
That's it for today.  Have to hit the shower - we're going to Aunt Helen's birthday tonight.  We're taking Grandma with.

Have a good Sabbath tomorrow.  Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM

1 comment:

  1. I remember that lace! I love it and am so glad it found another good home!! Works perfect. Little green tractor in the corner!! Now thats a great farm kitchen.
