Thursday, October 25, 2012

OH NO!!! The white stuff is here!

Woke up this morning and Dad said, "Don't look outside, there's white stuff."  I put my head under the blankets but I finally had to relent and go to the bathroom.  When I came back out, dad was quickly making the bed.  He said, "I thought I'd make the bed quick so you couldn't get back in it."
Well, Aunt Susan and I are just going to ignore the snow and take her 4-wheel drive vehicle and go shopping.  Anyone care to join us?
DeAnn, just to let you know.  I did call your sister and she drove her 4-wheel drive Jeep into work and made it safely.

Happy day to all of you
Love to all,
Gramma and MOM

1 comment:

  1. SO glad it's you and not me!! We did finally turn on our furnace and floors's getting cold!
