Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Saturday night we took Grandma to Pipestone to help Aunt Helen celebrate her 80th birthday.  Here are the aunts and uncles minus Uncle Ed, of course.  These "older" people sure look good, don't they?
 Aunt Helen's children:
      Don, Kathy, Aunt Helen, Lori and Rick.  Jim lives in Texas now and was unable to come.
 Kids plus spouses - how many of them do you girls recognize?
 We had company over the weekend.  Marv and Judy came about 9:30 on Friday night and stuck around until Sunday morning.  It's always nice when they come to visit - not sure why Marv has his eyes closed and a scowl on his face, other than he didn't want his picture taken.  Too bad!!! 
 I'm making progress.  I have a couple of my pictures up and got a couple more copied today so I am making progress.  Need to put up a few more tonight or tomorrow morning.
However, I also have to get my November newsletter finished this week and to the park office no later than Monday morning.  I've started but need to go pull my files and book to make sure I don't forget to put anything important in there.  It's my understanding several of our friends are already at the park - some day we're going to go early too but not til the first of December.  October and first part of November are some of our favorite times of year in the midwest.

Also, purchased the fabric for Holly's valances so need to get started on them.  Aunt Sue and I are going shopping on Thursday for fabric for another couple of projects - lots to keep me busy.

Have a super week!!!!  Amy, I'll see you tomorrow night for all of that delicious soup.  I'm going to sit right next to Kurt so we can compare the various kinds.

Love to you all,
Gramma and MOM

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