Thursday, August 16, 2012

An Afternoon in Canada

Yesterday DeAnn and I took the kids (minus Holly who had to work) to the Matsqui Water Park in Canada.  It's a really fun park for the kids - wave pool, high diving board, couple of slides.

We sailed right through the border - not even any major questions.

One of Chase and Sam's favorite things at the water park was the high diving board.  I tried to get a picture of then in mid-air but my camera isn't good enough to do that - guess I needed Uncle Glen's fancy camera.  They only had one diving board open at a time, so when the high dive was closed, off they went to the low one.  At one point, Chase just did a continuous circuit of diving, getting out, back on the board and back into the water.

It was a looooong way up - Sam says the key is to just not look down!!

Since we had to go right past Edeleen's to get home, we had to stop for ice cream - just look at all those happy faces.

Gramma, I love birthday cake ice cream!!!!
It was a fun-filled day.  Ended with a picnic out on the deck with next-door neighbor lady, Becky who brought over homemade ice cream for a second treat!!!

Gramma and MOM

PS:  There was a little bad news; however, when we returned yesterday afternoon we found not just one but two new mole hills.  The traps went back in last night.

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