Thursday, August 30, 2012

Leaving Lynden

Tuesday, August 21
OH NO!!!!  You mean we're leaving Lynden today!!!
August 21st was the magic day for DeAnn - one family had to get out so the next family could get in.  John's parents arrived about 10:00 at the Bellingham airport and his sister and family were arriving the next day.  So in order to get the sheets washed and the carpet vaccumed, we left. 
It was our privilege to take these three to the airport in Seattle for their 5:45 flight.  Then after checking in, they found out that their flight was delayed for an hour.  Their flight from Denver to Sioux Falls was also delayed an hour so they finally arrived at home in Pipestone about 3:00am.  Kurt was up the next morning to do chores and load sheep at 6:00am so it was a short night for him; luckily, Amy had taken the day off so she and Chase were able to sleep in.

Had to make one last stop at Edeleen's for ice cream.  We had an early lunch with the Hiemstra's and then ice cream for dessert.  It was Kurt and Amy's first time for that delicious treat and they said it measured up to their expectations.
 One last chance for Katie to be with her new bestest buddy.  Katie is a "pink" ice cream princess - she doesn't care what the flavor is as long as it's pink.  Well, Chase decided to try root beer ice cream as his last Edeleen treat and Miss Katie said she would have whatever Chase was having.  I told her it was not pink but she insisted whatever Chase was having, she was having.  I wonder if she had Chase-withdrawal after he left or if she just picked up with her other cousins who were coming.
And by the way, she told us she is no longer a princess, she is a cowgirl now.  I told her she needed a cowgirl hat then but she said she had one - a big fluffy purple hat (Dr. Seuss style).  Go figure!!??

After we left the Koele's at the airport, we traveled on to Castle Rock, WA and Mount St. Helen's, which is our subject for tomorrow.  I know that my family probably already knows all of this information  but I need to save it for posterity.  Have a great day and see you tomorrow.
Gramma and MOM

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