Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Mole Saga continues

Each morning when DeAnn and Dad get up, they go out to "canvas" the yard to see if they have killed the mole or if he has come back to do his dastardly deeds during the night.

Well, he was back last night and they found the hole this morning - neither was very happy.  DeAnn said - NO more ice cream until you kill the mole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, they found the hole, but then they needed to dig down to find the tunnel.
 As you can see, sometimes it takes both of them to find the tunnel.
 Today they tried the smoke bomb method again.  Before they put the bomb in; however, they dug up the last hole in the middle of the yard that Mr. Mole created.  They wanted to see if the smoke would come out the middle hole or if there are other runs going other directions.

Wellllllllllll, the smoke did NOT come out of the middle hole so back to Grampa's tried and "in the past" true way of getting moles and gophers  ---   the water hose.

Folks, I hate to tell you this but the old method didn't work any better than the smoke bomb.

DeAnn tried to suggest that they needed to call in a professional but John said that wasn't going to happen.  (True Dutchman that he is.)  It's now become a battle zone here in the Hiemstra yard.  DeAnn was talking to a friend of church who told her that they have an "expert" in the mole field that is now retired and since they're all members of the same church, perhaps he could give her some advise.

DeAnn has put in a call to the Mole Exterminator and we are awaiting his call-back.  So the saga continues - will let you know what happens!!!!!?????

Love, Gramma and MOM

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