Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Success!!! We Got Him (or Her)

John's brother, Gary was over for a visit Sunday afternoon and said he had a "sure fire" way of getting moles - a special mole trap!!!  So Holly and I went to pick up the traps and they were set Sunday evening.  John and DeAnn thought they heard a snap later Sunday night while in bed but when they checked Monday morning, no mole.  Off to the fair we went and returned home about 10:45pm.  DeAnn was looking around for a flashlight and out they went - yahoo!!!!  there he was - dead in the trap.  What rejoicing there was before we went to bed.

The bad news; however, is that this morning there was another hole in the front flower garden so there is still a "mole partner" out there waiting to feel the SNAP of the trap!!!  We'll keep you all posted.
 Here is the cutest little bathing beauty in Lynden, Washington.

Have a good day - pictures of the fair are coming soon.  DeAnn took them all so have to get them from her camera.  We arrived at the fair about 10:00 and left about 10:30.  A GREAT time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gramma and MOM

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