Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We're Home

Dad and I had a GREAT trip coming home.  We said we thought we'd take a week coming home and we did.  As we passed through Pipestone last night, we got to see this young man just finishing his football practice.  He was even willing to give Grampa and Gramma "wet, sweaty" hugs.  He always makes coming home a good thing.
 Doesn't he look fierce?
As long  as we were passing through, I had Dad take a picture of my birthday present.  Can't wait til next summer when we can cruise with the top down.  Sure hope he buys it for me before it's gone - November is still several months away!!!!  If you'd care to contribute, just send the check to Dad with Mom's birthday car in the memo line.
Because we had no milk or bread in the house, we decided to head for Hardees for breakfast.  We called this lovely lady to see if she wanted to go along.  She'd already had breakfast but came along and had water - that's all we could afford to get her. 
These are the flowers by Aunt Jen's garage - aren't they beautiful this year?  I helped choose them - yeah for me!!!!
 Tonight we're going to the Bethany Meadows Car Show with Grandma, Uncle Glen & Aunt Sue and Aunt Jan.  Aunt Jen says it's too hot. 
Tomorrow I will start blogging about our journey home.  Til then, have a good evening.

Love to you all!!!!!
Gramma and MOM

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