Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Deception Pass & Whidbey Island

On Saturday John and DeAnn took us on a Family Fun Day, except we were a bit sad because our favorite teenager had to work and wasn't able to go with us.  We went to Deception Pass which is between Washington mainland and Whidbey Island.  There is a high, very impressive looking bridge that was built over the pass.  This is a picture taken from the bridge - beautiful Washington mountains!!!
 These pictures were taken on the bridge......

 One little girl is completely infatuated with her big cousin.  Notice she is holding onto his hand going up the steps - he is not necessarily holding onto her hand.
 Katie in a "hole in the big tree."  They have some big ole trees in this country.

 After a short walk, we had a picnic below the bridge and then waded in the COLD water and searched for special rocks.  Gramma came back with a sack of rocks -- again!!!
After our picnic and playing in the water, we went to the southern end of Whidbey Island to Fort Casey.  Fort Casey was originally built to protect the mainland.  There are concrete bunkers with guns on them.  It's a bit difficult to explain but a really neat place to visit.  Chase, Sam and Katie wandered through the very dark bunkers while Auntie Dee pursued them and tried to scare them.  From all reports, she did a good job of it.  Luckily it was early enough in the day that noone ended up with nightmares.

We finished our day with Papa Murphy Pizzas and watching the Olympics.  GREAT, GREAT DAY!!!!

Thank you, John and DeAnn

Gramma and MOM

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