Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday at Fairhaven Village

Peter woke up early because John said he had to stain the front deck if he wanted to go with the rest of the adults to Fairhaven.  It turned out very nice.

 While Grampa stained the deck, the girls went to breakfast at Dutch Mother's.  If you are ever in Lynden, you need to go to Dutch Mothers for their pannekoekens and Front Street Pile-up.  We ordered these two entrees between the three of us plus Katie and still had some leftover to bring home.  Great food, great coffee and wonderful fellowship.  DeAnn even managed to ask a "famous question" - what is your goal for the next year?  After some contemplating, we all came up with several.  Mom even wrote them down so "maybe" we can even have some accountability.

 DeAnn took Amy, Kurt, Grampa and I to Fairhaven Village which is an older section of Bellingham.  We started by walking along a boardwalk on the water.  Look at this great picture of the honeymooners!!!
 Kurt spotted something purple along the shoreline and upon further investigation, found these beautiful sea stars.

 Found this little cupcake shop on our walk - reminded us of a delightful little girl that we had left at home.
 Several years ago, I had read about a fish and chips place in a double-decker bus in Bellingham, WA.  DeAnn had checked it out earlier and said it was a winner.  As it turned out, the restaurant is normally not open on Monday but it was yesterday.  They usually close at 6:00 but because of a fryer malfunction, they closed right after we put in our order.  It was indeed good food - deep-fried cod, french fries and coleslaw.  Great lunch in a unique setting.
 Then we walked the streets of Fairhaven.  Kurt enjoys cigar/smoke shops and we found this one.  Kurt said it was the nicest one he had seen since coming to Washington.  It's the first smoke shop I've been in for a very long time and it was very unique and interesting.  Kurt was able to find three cigars that he felt he just couldn't do without.  It seems to me that Grandpa Haan used to buy his cigars in a box but I think Kurt is a little more discriminating.

 The smoke shop was in an old building that once housed a "Gentleman's Club" that was frequented by Mark Twain and President Taft.  This was the atrium in the middle of the building - there were four full floors and then a catwalk at the top.  They had pictures with captions on the walls in the halls telling about people who had lived in the building or were in some way associated with it. 

 We were leaving this very special neighborhood when Amy spotted this deer.  It was walking around the neighborhood eating homeowner's flowers.  It's the first wildlife, other than squirrels, that we've seen since we've come to Washington.
It was a fun day in an area of Bellingham that we want to explore again.  In fact, we've already started a list of things we want to do when we return.

Have a great week!!!
Gramma and MOM

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